Although the footage was filmed by chance and are original, from a central street, still today no scientific cycles is not able to explain!
Rivijnë stage film footage of security cameras filmed on a central street in China, where a while a truck is moving in his direction on a regular basis, a person with no bike looks and continues to walk ...
As you will see in vidoen you presents, his death was for sure! But exactly at the appropriate moment in qindtën qindës the second was an "angel" and saved ...!
Although several months have passed from the event none of the scientific cycles can not give a concrete and convincing explanation, even most of that comes in contact with this video, after analyzing it by studying in detail, can not "find" that detail or reason to explain scientifically!
Rivijnë stage film footage of security cameras filmed on a central street in China, where a while a truck is moving in his direction on a regular basis, a person with no bike looks and continues to walk ...
As you will see in vidoen you presents, his death was for sure! But exactly at the appropriate moment in qindtën qindës the second was an "angel" and saved ...!
Although several months have passed from the event none of the scientific cycles can not give a concrete and convincing explanation, even most of that comes in contact with this video, after analyzing it by studying in detail, can not "find" that detail or reason to explain scientifically!
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